Events and Rides

Club Runsheet

Upcoming Events / Rides

Charity Ride

Sunday 18 August 2024

The NOC Vic ride is in support of a local outer eastern charity “Foothills Community Care”.
The ride finish location for lunch is at the Mt Dandenong Hotel, 1451 Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd, Olinda

Details on the Ride Poster

Murrindindi Ramble Rally

13 - 25 May 2025

Are you going to join us for a week exploring the sights and delights in the central Victorian region of Murrindindi in 2025?

This event is about riding some of the best roads in the area and enjoying the hospitality of the eateries and wineries in the district.

The hub of this event will be the Yea Riverside Caravan park.

To allow for venue bookings, please download the 'Expression of Interest' Form below and return to us asap.

Previous Events / Rides

Presidents Day 2023

Presidents Day 2023 was held at Sugarloaf Resevoir in the Christmas Hills area. A beautiful setting, good facilities and the weather gods were kind to us.
The usual prices (Best, Commando, Best Special, President's Choice etc.) were awarded (Details in the club magazine)
A good day was had by all.

Flowerdale 2023

Miscellaneous Images