For Sale

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Club Merchandise

NOC Vic Stubby Holders

Buy - Sell - Club Merchandise (Page under Development)

In Stock:
Caps; Neck Warmers; Metal Badges; Cloth Badges
Made to order:
Shirts; Polo Tops; Vests

As we do not have an order/shipping service, please see us at the monthly meeting to purchase an item or use the 'Contact' page (select 'Merchandise') for inquiries on availability.

AMAL Concentric Velocity Stacks: $30-pr
Norton Commando Finned Points Cover: $30
Norton Commando - Early Headlight Mounts: $100-pr

Will fit Featherbed models only difference being a slot for the headlight mounting rather that a hole.

Greg Fitzpatrick Ph. 0408 398658

Greg Fitzpatrick Ph. 0408 398658

Greg Fitzpatrick Ph. 0408 398658

Norton Commando -

John Tickle Rear Sets with a pair of Clip-Ons: $350 - the lot

Greg Fitzpatrick Ph. 0408 398658

Norton Commando 850cc Mk 3

Genuine New Old Stock Rear Wheel Adjusters

Currently not available from Andover Norton

$30 - pr

Greg Fitzpatrick Ph. 0408 398658